Hi, I’m Buckley, the Collie. Andrea Phillips, artist illustrator, belongs to me. Sometimes at great cost to myself she will look at a small thing for ages, distracted from throwing my ball, which can be quite irritating. Ultimately though she notices and thinks about things …a lot, getting quite lost in a sea of questions, for example: ‘why do artists make gardens?’. Occasionally she forgets my walks, covering both of us in a tangled mass of threads, which in turn get stuck around the noisy thing that sucks things up, upsetting my other human.
Andrea, for the most part like me, loves to be out in nature even when it’s raining. In the garden I pick things up, like sticks and she seems to really love me for it. Once, whilst helping out I ate seven pumpkins. These days I don’t do that sort of Performance Art, opting instead to celebrate the moments we share, a collaboration of being and looking, inevitably leading to a manipulation of the surface of things, like the lawn. I have definitely informed her practice.New Paragraph
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